A Small Cup of Goodwill Coffee

A Small Cup of Goodwill Coffee

Saturday, March 2, 2013

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What could be more perfect than a book and a mug of hot chocolate? A stack of books and a cup of good coffee!

Goodwill benefits

I love coffee. I prefer it over tea any day. And though I have a few favorites, I'm always open to trying out new ones.

In comes a new one on the block -- Goodwill Coffee. Yes, it's instant, suitable for moms like me on the go. But, there's a plethora of instant coffee available in every supermarket, so what makes this any different?

Well, for one thing, it's made with premium Arabica and Robusta beans. And since more and more Filipinos are becoming health-conscious, and would prefer some salubrious component mixed in whatever they tend to eat---or in this case, drink---the fact that Goodwill Coffee has Moringa, also known as nature's multivitamin, is another benefit I won't say no to.

Another beneficial component of this particular coffee is the Spirulina, which apparently boosts your energy and strengthens your immune system. Where else can you really get such healthy ingredients in a coffee?

The coffee crystals already come with a generous amount of non-dairy creamer, some minimally processed brown sugar and just a sprinkle of white sugar all mixed together in a long, brown pack that you can carry with you anywhere. Really convenient. Take note that it is best served in a small cup to get that full flavor.

Goodwill Coffee

I prefer my coffee mild and sweet. And while Goodwill Coffee tends to be stronger than my usual cup, and less sweet, it's a welcome addition to my cupboard. I actually think that perhaps I should lessen my sugar intake and tailor it to Goodwill's sweetness level. After all, I wouldn't want to increase my chances of having diabetes.

Every person has his own personal coffee preference, so I let my mom try it as well. She just loved it, the taste was just right according to her, and was about to grab my other coffee packs, but not before I moved them out of her reach.

One thing's for sure, whenever you feel like having your dose of picker-upper, Goodwill is just a small cup of hot water away.

Goodwill Coffee
Contact Nos.: 0922.829.0943 or 0925.818.1091 or 209.0943
Website: goodwillcoffee.net
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: facebook.com/ThisIsGoodwillCoffee


michymichymoo said...

Where can I buy this? :) I love love love coffee!!!

Guia Obsum said...

Hi Michy! You can contact Edward for orders at the contact numbers and/or Facebook page indicated at the end of the article. :)

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